Thought I'd share some thoughts on this board I've been riding lately.
I'm in my 40's, 185 lbs, prone surfing since 1989, stand up since 2008, and fit. I've owned and, or ridden a lot of different boards: Jimmy Lewis Striker 9'5", Fanatic All wave 8'10", Paddle Surf Hawaii 9'6", Fanatic Pro Wave 9'3", Starboard Widepoint 8'10", Starboard widepoint 8'2", RRD 8'11", and 7'11", Angulo 9', Infinity Phoenix V2 7'11", and 7'9" and Corran Retro 7'8", Hobie 8'11" Raw, Jimmy Lewis Kwad 8'7", Jimmy Lewis 9'2" Stun Gun and more.
The 8'7" Stun Gun is an amazing board. The first thing you notice when you pick it up is how light it is, some of that is the size of the board at 29.5 wide and 3 3/4 and 110 liters, it's a lean machine. Some of the weight reduction is from the Jimmy Lewis construction, light, but super strong. I've had a couple of Jimmy Lewis boards and they really hold up. Anyway, I've been riding the board for a bit here on Cape Hatteras and love it. It's plenty fast without being out of control, and it is super slashy, but smooth. I got the board intending it to be for good, powerful waves, and thanks to Hurricane Arthur and some descent swell since, I've had a lot of opportunity to ride some well overhead, powerful waves, and I am blown away by the performance. It's the most agile, ripping board I've ridden to date, it's addictive. It is super controllable on a steep drop, and fast enough to keep you out of trouble, cut back, and find some trouble when you want it. It is also super athletic on the wave face making it easy to perform maneuvers, it feels like a short board. What further impresses me, though, is it's performance in less than ideal waves. In the last couple of days, we've had waist high conditions, much of which had little power. I'd ordinarily jump on a Simmon's style sup to entertain myself in such conditions, but yesterday I swapped between several boards including a Simmon's style and had the most fun on the 8'7" Stun Gun. I was surprised at how easily it caught the smaller waves and how much fun I had working the small faces on my way down the line. I've really enjoyed this board from well overhead to waist high waves, if you ever get a chance to try one, give it a shot, I think you'll see what I mean.
Hey Jarvis! Really good to hear your take on this line... the Stun Gun looks like a high performing board.
Since I have surfed with you, and seen your quiver: if you are impressed... I'm impressed ;D
Can you recall my 8'11 RAW enough to compare stability?
Only problem I have, is that I would have to ride the 9'7 x 31 ... and that's only 136 liters, hardly enough for my winter gear
Your post affirms my interest in JL's boards...
I am watching for the first peeps on the brand new Jimmy Lewis line... the "World Wide" ... JL performance, but creekworthy at 8'9 x 31 @ 141L
Got any action shots?
Hope to see you at some break in the coming months :D
I've had a couple of Jimmy Lewis boards and really liked them. Good to hear that a board which is fast on powerful waves also makes the most of mushier waves. That has me really wanting one...
What kind of bottom contours does the 8'7 Stun Gun have? What kind of fin set up have you been riding?
Jarvissup - Great stuff. I think it very useful to list all of the boards you have ridden. Clearly the stun gun is not the second board you have ridden. How does it compare to the KWAD?
Rick, You might get a deal on a dinged 'World Wide' if you're willing to travel...
Hey Rick, and all,
Compared to your 8'11" Raw the 8'7" Stun Gun would be a bit less stable, the 9'2" Stun Gun would be more similar, and also rips, I've spent some time on one. To answer some questions: The bottom contour appears to be subtle concave to very subtle V in the tail. I'm sure a note to the guys at Jimmy Lewis would yield a more proper description. In terms of design the thing immediately impresses is the thinness of the board, and that thinness allows for truly thin, performance rails. I think there has been a trend to go all costs. I don't think short is cool unless it lends itself to some kind of performance advantage. The Stun Gun's are a couple/few inches longer than some of the other performance boards of similar volume, but that seems to distribute the volume allowing for a thin, super performance oriented shape. It also allows for a little more paddle speed when chasing a peak, or dropping in. Anyway, as requested, I'll include a couple of photo's. Sorry about the quality, we haven't a dedicated photog down here.
Thanks for the pics, Looks like it has loose easy turn initiation; also see spray which is always a good thing. I agree with your thoughts on length vs. width vs. thickness. Similar to the short board evolutionary path!
Thanks Ian...good to see you again ;D
Wetstuff.... seems like a good durability test !
That's the best review I've seen on those 2 boards, and I've been interested in them both. Which one do you think will be better on good hurricane swells? Sometimes I feel that the extra length is an advantage getting into the bigger set waves. Strong offshore winds can sometimes blow around the shorter sups, and make the drops more difficult, or blow you out of the wave before you catch it.
But then again, I like the idea of of the quicker, more nimble 8'7". Plus, where did you get the boards? I'm in VB at the moment, and surf the OBX when its good. Plus CR ;D
Nice review!
Makes me really want to demo the 9'2". Just wondering if I would have any balancing issues considering I'm 6'4" and about 205lbs (without wetsuit). Would the board be underwater?
Any chance of getting some close ups of the bottom so I can check out the concaves and V?
Quote from: lunchbox on July 24, 2014, 09:16:10 PM
Nice review!
Makes me really want to demo the 9'2". Just wondering if I would have any balancing issues considering I'm 6'4" and about 205lbs (without wetsuit). Would the board be underwater?
Any chance of getting some close ups of the bottom so I can check out the concaves and V?
The King's Board volume calculator would put you at advanced to expert at that weight for 124L board.
it's not just about volume, bottom contours and rail shape also have a lot to do with stability.
and width
I got the boards through Ocean Air Sports in Avon, NC. Brian(the owner) is the guy to talk to, he can order them and have them in less than a week. The decision between 8'7" and 9'2" is a tough one. I've really enjoyed the 9'2" in conditions that are a bit too windy and choppy. The 9'2" has more paddle speed, and is a bit bigger in every sense which equals success on some of those critical, steep drops. The 8'7" is smaller, lighter and more nimble, but not as stable in those nastier conditions. I've been spending more time on the 8'7", and have found it plenty stable for my 6'1"/185 status. I find that as you move to smaller boards you get used to them and then they feel stable. In deciding, think about what your buying the board to do. Is it part of a quiver, or your only board? If your buying it to ride bombers in offshore winds, and your a bit heavier then the 9'2" might be your board. If your buying it to rip on slightly better conditions and to push yourself then the 8'7" might be the call. Lunchbox, if your in the area send me a pm, you can demo my 9'2", but I think you'll find it plenty stable for your 6'4"/205 build. Ian
Another option if stability is a concern is the Jimmy Lewis Kwad. I haven't spent a lot of time on the Kwads, but I have jumped back and forth from an 8'7" Stun Gun to and 8'7" Kwad and the Kwad is more stable by comparison. Even though the Kwad is .5" narrower (SG 29.5/ Kwad 29) The Shape/ outline of the Kwad is a more stable, and the Kwad is 115 liters to the Stun Gun's 110. The Kwad is certainly a more stable shape designed to ride from onshore mush to head high bombers. Might be a good intermediate step down onto a small, lower volume ripper.
I am paddling with lunchbox. Any luck on pics of the bottom contours? We want to know the secret sauce that Jimmy uses! 8) 8)
I also have a 8'7'' Stun Gun for about a year. It is an amazing board with very good quality. Really fast but controllable. I had an Allwave before but have more fun with the Stun Gun. It is stable for a 110lt board.
Can definitely recommend it!
9'2" SG bottom photo's:
9'2" bottom photo's:
9'2" bottom photo's:
I'm 60 and weigh 160 lbs. I had the 8'7 and 8'2 Stun Guns for over a year. I ended up selling the 8'7'' because for my weight and conditions, the 8'2'' is better for me. Yes, more challenging in less than ideal surface conditions but I've adapted pretty well. I ride it with a thruster set up - 6.5'' glass fin and V-foil Futures sides. Ridden it from knee high to way overhead. Works really well for me. Rocker ,foil , bottom and rails are a great shape. It appears to me as a blown up version of a custom short surfboard. Bullet proof construction too. Very happy with mine.
Looks great. Subtle flow to the tail. Thanks for putting them up!
Yeah thanks Jarvis! Boy, seems there are quite a few happy owners.
Hard to tell, but it looks like a mono concave off the nose and down to the middle maybe flattening out in the middle and slight V off the tail? Looks like quite a bit of rocker as well...
I keep telling myself I don't need any other boards...but I do all of a sudden find myself wanting a JL...damn!
I'd love to have an even smaller than 8'2" version of the Stun Gun if they made them. Really nice shapes. And you guys all say the same for the construction. Bombproof. I'm jealous. Enjoy!
Have been using the JL Striker 8'11" in nice slow waves of Punta San Carlos, Baja for a number of years. Am 6'2" and 175 lbs. and use the SUP occasionally in small and medium size mushy/slow waves, at the Bombora, the Point and the Chile Bowl.
For a few years have wanted to know how the Striker compares with other models.
1. speed under paddle power? it seems a bit slow to me at times
2. maneuverability? it pivots quite well off the tail and turns sharply
3. stability? not interested in a board with much less stabiity since I only ride a few times a month
Have considered trying a longboard design in order to catch waves earlier, with more glide. Something like a laird 10 x 29, mahalo 10 footer, e.g.
I still struggle getting into surfing stance while paddling, but can balance quite well on the Striker.
Aloha Bill,
I hooked you up with that JL Striker a few years back...there has been quite a bit of SUP design progression since then...
Check out my Hammer custom carbon 8'5" Hammer with a mast track would be a perfect upgrade for your SC venue and your exact will solve all of the shortcomings of you existing JL...IOW, I'm recommending an 8'5" carbon Hammer WindSup...;-)
Any know how to get a hold of me...
I am also a very proud and stoked owner of an 8'7" Stun Gun. Had it for about 2 years and have not rode anything better, yet!
Check out the Jimmy Lewis Australia sight.
More wave boards for 2015!!! Can't wait! Can't Wait!
Hi Bilekrub,
The Striker is a great board. I've ridden and really enjoyed the Striker a great number of times. If your wondering how it stacks up against more recent boards, you need not worry, it is still a great board. The striker is still a fast board down the line, I've ridden a lot of boards, including some being advertised on this thread, and the Striker is faster. So, I think your thought process is headed in the right direction, if you want more glide, a longer board will deliver, as long as it is reasonably light, and has a fast enough rocker line. Your Striker has a fast rocker line, but has enough v in the tail to reduce the bumps, and change direction quickly. The 9'5" Striker is a bit faster than the 8'11", I haven't ridden any of the Laird boards, but they do look nice. Maybe a new thread asking for reviews of some of the Laird boards will stir up some good info.
Good boards...Jimmy has a following...we sold a bunch of JL SUP's back in the day...I think more than anyone...bought them by the container, anyways...
I remember the 9'5" Striker being way faster than the 9'5" Naish Mana...but, that's prolly not saying much...;-)
I hear that they are bringing out carbons next year...
JL pricing seems to have really gone up since we sold them back in 2007 when they were at $1299...
Looks like now standard construction at $1779 is going price on eBay...wonder what the carbons are gonna retail for?
FWIW, a made in the USA custom Hammer with carbon deck and rails is $200 less...all carbon is $100 less than standard JL epoxy...and, our production Australian Pine one sided boards are still $1299 with custom bamboo fins, pad, & high quality leash...
I was really enjoying the discussion, relative to the Stun Gun and other Jimmy Lewis products.... I'd like to see it continue.
My similar shape from Blane has to be specifically surfed from the tail.
Otherwise it won't turn. Being from old school single roots this is not
my default setting. I like the results when it goes right.
I've read in another far away thread on the stun gun that the JL boards
can be ridden more forward. Less back foot movement.
This sounds enticing to me and would love the chance to try one.
I love Jimmy's boards. Simple timeless designs and great construction. Carbon will be awesome. Will be adding a stun gun in carbon and a black and blue to my quiver for sure next year. I spent an hour on the stun gun a few months ago and absolutely loved it.
SWEET RIDE! ...nice review too. I think those dims might just be a tad light for me though. My new ride is a bit fatter.
Cannibal Assassin SUP Demo
Hurricane Bertha/ Jimmy Lewis Stun Gun update:
The Aug 5th brought us some large waves, only a handful of hardy proners were able to get out through the 100+ yards of white wash. There is one spot that allowed us to paddle out and up into large(15')lefts that run for at least 200 yards. I took the 9'2" Stun Gun and was glad to have the length for the paddle speed needed to catch and ride these fast moving Hurricane waves. The speed down the face was amazing, and the sound the board made was wild as it hummed down the face. Thanks to Jimmy Lewis for such a sweet, smooth, predictable ride, that also rips. August 6th saw the wind go west, and conditions along the eastern faces beaches of Cape Hatteras settle into a perfect day of beautiful surf. The 8'7" Stun Gun really shinned, I've been riding it in lots of conditions from Thigh to head high and having a blast, but perfect head + high peelers really made me appreciate this board. Smooth, ripping and predictable, I've had many great sessions, but I've never had a great session on a better board than this one. A++
Yeah jarvis.... nice shot!!!
awesome shot. The surf in MA the past two days has been really fun. The stun gun looks like it would have been an awesome board for the conditions that we had here on Nantucket the past 36 hours.
After much deliberation, I bought a Jimmy Lewis Striker 8'11". Took it out for the first time yesterday in chest high beach break. Conditions were kind of mushy and close-outty, so they favored the early entry afforded by SUPs & LBs. the Striker does everything I want it to do. Converts from rail to rail, nose rides, and is super stable. You can take off paddling from the nose and it steers nicely from the front third. I rode it with the stock 2+1 fin set up (center fin all the way forward and it felt very solid, might swap a smaller center fin in...) and it was joy to bury the rail on bottom turns. Unless you're a total klutz, the wide nose does not get stuck in the wave face. After 8 or so surf SUPs, I've finally come to realize that I like the feel of a board that does not have concaves on the bottom and that has harder/turned down rails - love the feel of them engaging with the wave face. (Striker has a barely perceptible amount of concave in the nose to flat to vee thru the back third of the board. My weak right knee (I'm a regular foot) also likes nonconcave boards because it doesn't have to work as hard to torque the board thru the turns. Great board for New England conditions. Don't see myself needing any more of a 'good' big wave board than the Striker.
Hey Jarvis,
Great review on the board. I am about your size, 5'10 and 190. I would like to hear what you think would be the biggest you would consider taking the 8'7" board out in. Reason being, I have a smaller mushy wave board that can actually handle some Florida hurricane swell pretty good. I am considering some trips to Costa/ Panama next year was considering a board that may handle the steeper waves a little better. I know on the wave it should be fine, but curious about the lower volume with paddling into bigger and/or steeper swells. From everything I am reading, it seems these boards handle the later takeoffs better. I am asking mainly about the 8'7" just in terms of traveling with the board on airlines. thanks
Hi Ninja Tuna,
The 8'7" Stun Gun is a great board in big surf. The Stun Gun is an amazing late take off board, it has a pulled in nose with plenty of scoop, and the nature of it's smooth ride really gives it control on those steep, fast drops. I really loved it this past summer on Hatteras. Hatteras is known for it's steep, hollow waves, but this summer was even more exciting with better than average surf and two big hurricane swells. That 8'7" Stun Gun was amazing, it makes me a better surfer. At 8'7", the Stun Gun paddles faster than some other boards in it's class that are a few inches shorter. It's also very stable for it's dimensions, which helps the paddler to dig in and paddle fast. For all of these reasons, the Stun Gun is a great choice for a high performance board to venture into larger waves. Your original question was what "the biggest wave I would consider paddling the 8'7" Stun Gun into?" That's a good question and one that's hard to answer because I don't think I've found the 8'7"'s limitations yet. Certainly it has the paddle speed to get into double over head waves under the right conditions. I hope that answers your question, have fun down there.
Thanks for the feedback Jarvis. Sounds good!