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Messages - NEplay

Morning, I had a partial knee replacement at 51. It has worked out great. I earned it, like you did. I too had largely given up on SUP surfing and bought a prone board. I am back at it strong. I had gained a load of weight and that has been, ahhem, harder to rehab the the knee but the knee is giving my zero excuses and I am rolling strong now.

General Discussion / Re: My Shark Story
October 28, 2022, 11:28:37 AM
Good luck and thank you for sharing. It is so generous to share hard things.
Thank you for the info, Don. What you are going through sounds rum, my god man! Thoughts and prayers.  ;D
Don, bummer about vertigo. I am sorry and hope it resolves quickly. On a side note.....I was thinking about you just the other day. I am headed to Marsh Harbor on Thursday to deliver a boat back to Maine. I have been to the Exumas but never the Abacos Islands. I am arriving a few days early. Is there anything I should check out? Somewhere cool to stay. You are the best and only expert I know on the Bahamas and Caribbean.
Random / Re: Excellent Orthopedic care on Maui
January 11, 2022, 07:09:16 AM
Bill, I hope that steroid shot hits the exact right spot and gets you set up for a winter of chasing the rat all over Maui. I lurk around here and we know each other a bit from Cape Bay Challenge and Charles River races. I went on a 10-year journey with my knee. Steadman Clinic in vail for a rescue. Hau'oli Kikaha, Saints pro linebacker was the guy on the table after me, and we did our rehab together. I had a dope Kialoa hat that He loved and we traded for his saints hat. By the way he exuded Aloha.

I had Trim, stem cells from my hip, and PrP because all the images said I was not quite bone on bone and only 46. It did exactly ZERO. Robert Parad was the guy. Look him up. At the exit interview, I asked the hard questions and he said no downhill hiking, might be able to ski partially painfree. I could tell from the look in his eyes that there was not much hope. I was like WTF.

Anyway next up top lateral knee guy in Boston blah blah blah and he said was not rescuable. I ended getting a left lateral replacement in 2018 and wah-la, fixed after a 10-year research for the answer. Are you a candidate for a partial? If you are you can still get a full. I can get a full down the road if I need to. I went with the Conformis. tons of research.

The doc I met with before I went to Vail, Dr. Willis in Hyannis on Cape Cod, was Uncle Angie's guy( Marc Angelillo) He told me if he had my knee he would do a partial in 2015. I should have FUCKING listened to him but my ego was like Cape Cod? Marck had one last year from Willis You need someone inside that knee.

I get it that you are older, kneeling gets harder, but there is no harm in going back to suping.  I have chased all the trends over the years. I still love to sup. And if a PNR or TKR is a huge success then you will be foiling at a level no fucking 70 year old would ever dream of. It honestly sounds like, and I cringe to use this phrase, a win/win.

Anyhoo this advice and $1.35 will still get you on the T in Boston, I think.
Training, Diet, and Fitness / Re: Back surgery advice
November 23, 2021, 05:55:04 AM
Good luck and thanks for sharing. Many of us here have been there with a long downward spiral of injury and finding a solution. Take care of the mental part.
Classifieds / Re: Sunova Creek 9’4” sup for sale
November 08, 2021, 01:35:56 PM
Board sold. I was the lucky winner.
Classifieds / Re: Sunova Creek 9’4” sup for sale
November 06, 2021, 07:03:04 AM
I am in Portsmouth. I will buy it and pick it up for $1000.
Gear Talk / Re: Limestone wetsuits
August 28, 2021, 04:45:31 AM
Let me tell'ya. Friends from Santa Cruz come to the Seacoast of NH and Maine regularly to visit and on a recent trip showed up with Feral Wetsuits. Feral is a direct-to-consumer brand using Yamamoto neoprene. I bought a 4/3. This thing soaks up almost no water. It is like a miracle or magic. As a result, it drys super fast. The downside is it has no lining so is a bit more difficult to get on. Especially when new. It is warm as well.
General Discussion / Re: SIC Okeanos reviews?
June 08, 2021, 03:14:20 PM
That was sold review. Singsingdog is lucky.
Classifieds / Re: Infinity New Deal
June 01, 2021, 07:30:15 PM
You are arbitraging that board, for at best, a couple of 100 bucks. Get a fucking job, loser.
SUP General / Re: Infinity New Deal (Demo)
April 14, 2021, 04:30:42 AM
Congrats and finding a new "magic" board. I bought an Infinity New Deal 10X27 a few years ago on a flyer when they had a deeply discounted online sale. It arrived, looked super great, was amazingly light and my fucked up knee just could not handle the instability. Now that I have had and fully recovered from a partial knee replacement I am loving it. I cannot believe how fast down line this thing is. I need to train my brain to keep up. I do agree you need to move around on this board to get the most of it but I think that would be true of most boards over 9 feet. I learned on a 9'6 X 291/2 coreban that had gobs of rocker and most people found unstable but that was all I knew. I think it was great training for this board. Any this opinion and $1.35 will get you on the T.
Classifieds / Re: Fanatic All Wave, 9' 2"
February 09, 2021, 10:39:51 AM
That looked like a nice price. Someone scored IMHO. I will be looking for your next classified post for sure. Thanks for hooking someone up.
Hopefully, she has the stuff to turn this into a rad story by gaining some compassion for those imprisoned. You can put up with a lot of weird, difficult shit when your are 18 years old. At least I could.
Sorry to hear Carib,

I thought of you right away when the media released her name and her past successes and wondered if that was the brand you and your wife represented. What an tragic, horrible way to be rewarded for leading such an intentional life. Unlike some forms of climbing or base jumping or whatever she was not actively engaged in risky activity that can be a numbers game. So horribly unlucky. Life is cruel that way sometimes.

Last Sunday two of my dear friends with a boat invited me to out to Grosport Harbor at the Island of shoals to escape the 95 degree heat in Portsmouth, NH. It was crowded with their friends and many boats we passed asked if we had "driven through the seals yet, there are thousands of them?". Apparently on Duck Island( one of the ledgy, small uninhabited Islands there is a seal coloney getting started. I said to my friend bummer that means more Great Whites headed our way. He sent me this text on Tuesday "Wow the woman in Maine killed by a great white! U where foreshadowing"

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