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Hobie 8'11"x30 raw vs Jimmy Lewis 9'2" Stun Gun vs Jimmy Lewis 9'1" kwad???

Started by jarvissup, April 22, 2014, 04:09:53 AM

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Has anyone been lucky enough to ride all of these boards and have grace to pass on the wisdom?


I own the 2012 8'11" x 28" RAW and LOVE it.  It's lightweight, fast and surfs amazingly well.  Compared to any of my other boards, the Hobie feels like a surfboard not a SUP.   I haven't surfed those particular Jimmy Lewis boards so cannot comment, but the JL board I did try a few years ago was NO match for this Hobie RAW.  The new 8'11"s are wider and have more volume so even more stable than mine. 

demo the Hobie, I think you will be impressed
Hobie Raw 8'10"
Jimmy Lewis Kwad 8'7"
Naish Hover 95 liter 5'7"
F-One Rocket foil board 5'5" 90 liters
Fanatic Aero 1250, 1500, 1750 HA foils
CabrinhaMantis 3.5, 4m 5m. F-One Strike 7m CWC
Hobie 14' race board

Tamarack Janitor

There is no comparison between the two. One is made very light and feels like a surfboard, and the other although being a 9'1 feels like a floating sidewalk and is just really a waste of your time and money.
I would think you would always go short as possible. The Hobie Raw is truly one of the best "surfing sups" you can buy. On the other hand if you want to use it to paddle long distance the Jimmy lewis would be a better choice. I guess you have to ask yourself if you want a tanker that could kinda surf or a surf sup that would be a bitch to paddle long distance? Sure would be a good workout though. 


Are you saying that the Stun Gun and the Kwad are both barges compared to the Hobie RAW????  Has anyone ridden an 8'11"X30" it reasonably stable compared to?? Thanks for any opinions, it's better than the constant buying and selling I've been doing. 


Hey Jarvis... I have the 8'11 x 31 Hobie RAW.... probably around 130 liters. The shop I got it from (Cinnamon Rainbows in Hampton, NH.) special orders the RAWs with extra width to accommodate our NE winter gear.

I am 66 and 220lbs.
My 8'11 is not floaty enough for me in full winter gear... so I left it ashore for a few months.
Next swell it will be back in the water.
My feet are wet when at rest, but I like the feel of the stability at near neutral buoyancy.
It is SO light, and responds instantly to the is really easy to catch waves on.

I have ridden 8" waves that did not break and solid OH.... it is spectacular in everything. My favorite board.... in fact.. I just might take it out today, in a crappy little swell...just to dust it off ;D ;D ;D

Now that I have a GoPro, I will be able to get some video of the RAW when we get a swell.

Mine has a fairly pronounced concave in the nose. It seems to give lift and stability when paddling into a wave... and is surprisingly fun to noseride. Very solid upfront... but then I like to run around on everything. :o

As the others have said.... this board is amazing.... it reset my clock back 25 years.

Having said all that... I like the look of the Stun Gun.... but I have never seen one in person. I would like to ride one someday, to see if that very "surfboard like" design works.

Where do you live? You are more than welcome to demo mine if you are in the NE area.


I'm 6'1" and 185lbs, I live near Lake Placid, have a shack on the Outer Banks that we spend a lot of the summer in, and drive to NE breaks whenever Surfline tells me to, and time allows for. I'd love to do an "on water" board swap with you sometime. I've been riding a bunch of boards over the last few seasons. I've spent a lot of time on a Sarboard 8'10" widepoint, Jimmy Lewis 9'5" Striker, and lately a Infinity 7'11" Phoenix.  The Phoenix is amazing, and it may actually be all the board I ever need. However, need and want are two different things.  I'm hoping to get a true short board feeling sup that is fast and reactive, it seems the Hobie or the Stun Gun might fit that niche.


Quote from: jarvissup on April 23, 2014, 04:11:17 AM
Are you saying that the Stun Gun and the Kwad are both barges compared to the Hobie RAW????  Has anyone ridden an 8'11"X30" it reasonably stable compared to?? Thanks for any opinions, it's better than the constant buying and selling I've been doing.

I don't know your surfing experience, but I have been surfing 40 years and sup surfing on small boards came very easily to me and the Hobie Raw was perfect.  If you are new to sup surfing or balance challenged, you might not want the 8'11" Hobie and go to the 9'4".    Surfing the board is great standing in the line up especially with chop or rolling water, more of a challenge.  The Widepoint is a boat compared to the Hobie Raw.
Don't be fooled that a smaller surf SUP is the lose a lot of the benefits of a SUP and also the reason why you fell in love with the sport in the first place...the glide.

I have an 8' SUP,  it rips in good clean surf , but to catch waves I have to sit inside with all the proners which neither I nor they appreciate .  At your weight and height I think 8'10" or longer is about as short as you want to go.  It's not like Lake Placid has surf and the NE  surf,  while great when it's firing, might not justify such a shorter board for weekend surf.  Unless you have a fat wallet and can afford a big quiver, buy a board that you can use in almost any conditions.
Hobie Raw 8'10"
Jimmy Lewis Kwad 8'7"
Naish Hover 95 liter 5'7"
F-One Rocket foil board 5'5" 90 liters
Fanatic Aero 1250, 1500, 1750 HA foils
CabrinhaMantis 3.5, 4m 5m. F-One Strike 7m CWC
Hobie 14' race board


Jarvis.... Thanks....I rode the RAW today!! ;D ;D ;D
Yowza yowza.... how sweet it is!!!!!

I've been having so much fun on my 9'5 Mana, that I kept putting off my return to the RAW.

Wore a full suit including hood today... but down to the 3/2, so it was doable.

The RAW was underwater for sure... many times the nose would go completely under, but I only fell over 6 or 7 times.
The wind chop picked up towards the end... but that didn't make it any harder. It is, what it is for my weight... and seemed just as stable in chop (and just as underwater)

Nothing changed over the winter... it still catches waves with ease and absolutely RIPs!

My mana got me pushing myself
For a big board, the Mana was so much more capable than I anticipated, that I pushed it harder... and learned things.

I took those lessons to the RAW and bingo... 2 backside lip smacks on one wave! First good one's I have ever done on a SUP ;D

One of the standout features of my 8'11 RAW is the acceleration I get out of a turn....

Next time you think you are heading to the beach, let me know.

It's all the same to me if I go to NH or RI... both are a couple of hours... Boston, add 2 hours, if rush hour involved.

if you bring the 7'11 Phoenix, then I will be filming you on the RAW... from the beach  ;)


Supthecreek, I have a few other boards you might enjoy...have you ever ridden a  Jimmy Lewis Striker 9'5"?  I think you might enjoy that magic carpet ride.
                Caribsurf ,my surfing experience is as such: Stationed at Camp Lejuene for 8 years, lived on Emerald Island, so surfing since the late 80's.  Since then constant week end trips, and lots of vaca as I'm a self employed contractor.  Costa Rica, Hawaii, Dominican, California assorted trips.  Spend the summer in Hatteras every year at my shack, and love to do New England runs when the reports are good. The Raw isn't meant to be a step down board for me, I'm looking for a slightly larger board that rips for the choppy condition days. Boards I've cycled through: 8'10" Starboard, 8'2" Starboard.  I spend most of my time right now on a 7'11" Infinity Phoenix, a 7'8" Corran Retro, and the Jimmy Lewis Striker if the waves are really small.  I thought the 8'11" RAW might fit the bill, but was hoping for some wisdom from those who have ridden them.


Hey, If you guys meet up in NH or ME, let me know.  I'll bring Creek's previous 9'4" RAW, although the 32" (custom) width would probably not interest you much... given your current quiver :o

Either way, would enjoy watching you guys on your 'shorties' while I sit on the beach with my camera, and Red Cup  ;D


Wow... Jarvis... you have a Retro and a Phoenix?!? Sweet! i wish I was lighter... I'd love to try them both.
I paddled an 8'3 x 31 L41 S3 (133 liters)... It imagine that is about my limit. Didn't have a chance to surf it... but it was interesting to paddle.

I imagine the RAW would fill a different place in your quiver.... I am curious to know if my RAW is lighter than your shorties... it very well could be.

NHSUP!!! how are you? I will let you know if we are meeting in your neighborhood... it was lots of fun up there last trip :)


Ridden both Widepoints 8'10" and 8'2" and at the time thought one was my next buy for sure.  Took a chance on a used 8'11" Hobie Raw and so glad I did. No comparison.  It was the first SUP I ever surfed that felt as loose as a surf board.  I think the 13 lbs has a lot to do with it and the 28" width.  Haven't ridden the wider Hobie Raws but Creek loves his and it could only be more stable than mine.  I've had mine in all conditions glass to chop and it never disappoints although when really choppy it takes some concentration waiting between sets and post sessions I feel it in my knees and hips.  I am 6 ft 183 and my Hobie Raw has 119 liters which scared me at first but no issue at all.  Newer ones have more volume.  Surfed from knee high to double overhead and the board rips.  It is so fast it's hard to miss a section.  The stock fins are crap and I put in Jamie Mitchell 2+1 set up and they are GREAT.
Don't know the Phoenix or Retro but would think the Hobie will be far better in mushy surf, but even in perfect surf this board will amaze you. 
Hobie Raw 8'10"
Jimmy Lewis Kwad 8'7"
Naish Hover 95 liter 5'7"
F-One Rocket foil board 5'5" 90 liters
Fanatic Aero 1250, 1500, 1750 HA foils
CabrinhaMantis 3.5, 4m 5m. F-One Strike 7m CWC
Hobie 14' race board


Supthecreek, I think you'd be able to ride the Phoenix, it's 7'11"x30x4 1/4.  It is pretty stable, at least as stable as the 8'2" widepoint, if not more.  Caribsurf, that Corran Retro is a slightly different story, it is 7'8"x a slim 30, and it doesn't appear to be 4"'s small, 113 liters and super light. It may be the lightest construction I've seen to date. It may only be a wrap of 4oz glass, it's hard to say. It hasn't broken yet, but I won't be surprised when it does. It's hard to stand on if there is any chop, but it's not too bad when it's glassy.  It kind of sinks at 113 liters, and somehow that makes it a little more stable.
After listening to you guys, I'm leaning toward a 8'11" in either 30, or 31 in width. I'll want it to be stable relative to my other boards. The 9'2" Stun Gun is still on the back of my mind, but it seems hard to find someone who rides one, it makes the Hobie a safer bet. I may swing down to Hampton, and up to York to look at a couple of boards if there is any swell. I'll hope for the later part of next week.


If Cinnamon Rainbows doesn't have any Hobie Raws in Hampton, Mark at Liquid Dreams in Ogunquit had a number of them last summer.  I believe he even allows trying before buying
Hobie Raw 8'10"
Jimmy Lewis Kwad 8'7"
Naish Hover 95 liter 5'7"
F-One Rocket foil board 5'5" 90 liters
Fanatic Aero 1250, 1500, 1750 HA foils
CabrinhaMantis 3.5, 4m 5m. F-One Strike 7m CWC
Hobie 14' race board


Cinnamon Rainbows is also a Jimmy Lewis dealer... I saw a Black and Blue up there a few weeks ago, but didn't notice any Stun and ask if he has sold any.

Jarvis... PM me when you are going... I'd come up with my RAW  to compare boards and hopefully hit up Ake G for a look at his Prowave while I'm there.

You may be giving my bulkiness too much credit on the Phoenix end.... here's a picture of me sinking my 8'11 x 31 RAW

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