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F-One Swing

Started by Admin, August 21, 2019, 03:40:07 PM

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Looks pretty nice from what I can make out.  Are we seeing a really reduced leading edge or just wide angle distortion?

Dwight (DW)

Wide angle distortion. In the video it looked good. Rear handles spaced wider. Stable.


On the topic of leashes heres a small but worthwhile leash mod. High quality 100kg stainless steel ball bearing game fishing swivel. I've had these on a couple of months and been checking to see if theres going to be an issue with corrosion. I've purposely not washed them to see what happens. Just a little surface deterioration. Theres definitely a variable quality of stainless between brands so it pays to do your homework. You also need to get a swivel with a large enough solid ring to push your rope loops through. Without question this solves the problem of the twisted wrist leash. If you're gonna do this just make sure to check that the swivel isn't deteriotating at each session. Could be an expensive outcome otherwise!!


Just a teaser but a beautiful heelside tack and an super controlled air in this one.


Some great wave riding at an incredible looking spot!


Thought I'd try the 6m F1 out as seemed to be getting some good reviews.Previously been riding Gong7m,SB airush 7m,Naish 6m,cloud 6m in the larger wing class.Just pumping it up first time noticed handles were pretty close together for me kinda alligator arm style,and never even tried it yet so from get go was going whoa maybe not for my style not off to great start,and the handles IMO need some upgrade too,in other words thought they sucked!so flimsy compared to anything I've ridden so far,but quite a few fellow winging friends really like the wings so had to try one out!Now wondering if F1 has changed handle location and downgraded handles? As the ergos for a big rider like myself were not my cup of tea I was looking for another rear handle for more power spread the leverage out a bit but nothing there!have no idea why they didn't add another rear handle for heavier riders think this woulda been a game changer for me liking this wing more,really like the lightness gotta say It's flickability impressive,but the handles and locations really took the wind out my wing on the F1 6m for me,think it's a great wing for riders under 200lbs but above not too happening IMO compared to what I've been riding be curious to see any other opinions of the heavier rider crew on the 6m F1?
Naish kites-ASD surfboards fortaleza brasil,Kalama supfoil.AXIS foils


All handles suck, so add a fake boom. A 3 foot (or so) piece of old standup paddle shaft and four of five velcro straps. I've ranged from 240 down to 212 today, and never felt the need for a handle past the last one on the F1, but it doesn't really matter, I use a fake boom. Way better than handles, it's stiffens up the connection to the strut, and you can grab it anywhere. Onehanded in the middle, whatever.

And I love my 6M. It's my goto wing for anything less than twenty, and it's not horrible to 25. I've successfully winged in sub-10mph wind with it. Once you learn to torque the wing to push your foil up you'll probably consider it magic. It saves a lot of work pumping your foil off the surface.
Foote 10'4X34", SIC 17.5 V1 hollow and an EPS one in Hood River. Foote 9'0" x 31", L41 8'8", 18' Speedboard, etc. etc.


Quote from: Admin on April 13, 2020, 06:29:23 AM
Just a teaser but a beautiful heelside tack and an super controlled air in this one.

I flew down to New Cal to get my brother out of prison there in 1988.  The prison was high up on a hill so it afforded a great view of the surf you posted here.  Of course I was on a mission, no surfboard, but it was pumping and fantastic to look at.  Made me feel not so bummed out.


Quote from: Admin on August 25, 2019, 07:05:54 AM
Hi Dwight,

Yeah that is the collar type and it is awesome.  I forgot to mention that the Swing leash is a thin woven leash that has a slight elastic inner so that it gives about 8 inches before hard stop.  It is extremely light and flexes 360 degrees.  It eliminates all of the hard plastic parts and metal joints.  It has no coils so it is as minimal as it gets.  Becuase they are including one with each wing you can keep one attached to each wing.  One less thing at setup :).  I know that I am waxing on about the leash but leashes were my least favorite part of wingsurf gear and this is a really good fit for me.  I have also settled on a 6' FCS freedom leash for the board. .  This is also really minimal.  I have been using that on a waist belt but I may ditch the belt now.
So Admin.  This looks great but is there any shock absorption somewhere in this leash set up, more than the slight elastic inner?  Now that time has gone by, do you still like this set up?


Quote from: PonoBill on August 07, 2020, 09:29:11 PM
All handles suck, so add a fake boom. A 3 foot (or so) piece of old standup paddle shaft and four of five velcro straps. I've ranged from 240 down to 212 today, and never felt the need for a handle past the last one on the F1, but it doesn't really matter, I use a fake boom. Way better than handles, it's stiffens up the connection to the strut, and you can grab it anywhere. Onehanded in the middle, whatever.

And I love my 6M. It's my goto wing for anything less than twenty, and it's not horrible to 25. I've successfully winged in sub-10mph wind with it. Once you learn to torque the wing to push your foil up you'll probably consider it magic. It saves a lot of work pumping your foil off the surface.
Bill great frigging idea can't believe I didn't think of that! you might of saved my F1 from the classified section Lol that's about all I needed 1/2 hand more on rear handle and think it would be a great improvement for my liking,can you post a pict of your set up,get the gest of it but what are you using for grip hockey tape or?and sealing the ends off just taping em like to see how your harness lines integrate with that as I use duotones and and like to see how you connect with CF paddle cutoff the lightness of the F1 and to get a little more real estate outside of the existing handles locations would be nice for me as I have 20lbs on you and a wide stance on my hands for my comfort as my shoulders are quite wide and my comfortable grip is wider than F1s handles are this might be my cure,albeit tad more weight but still less than other wings still.wish F1 would use a longer rear handle like the clouds have that woulda done the trick for me,I just needed a tad more rear 3" so would be a great improvement for my style.I have a old paddle cutoff with a 1"1/8 OD is that what your using?Thanks for the tip Bill please post a pict of your set up👍
Naish kites-ASD surfboards fortaleza brasil,Kalama supfoil.AXIS foils


I was complaining to Billy about the 6m f1, asked him what psi and he said 8-9.  Tried that, and than saw Admin pumps his to 10, so I now pump mine to 10.  Most of my complaints went away.  I still would like more handles further back when underpowered going upwind, fake boom helps with this.  I have found all wings have trade offs, the "softness" of f1 translates to comfort and less fatigue, especially after several hours, and days in a row.
Aloha, I welcome and appreciate all responses of positivity and good feeling.




Yes, I still love the leash.  It has just the right amount of shock absorption to stay taught but never jerk you too hard.  That is all just coming from the elastic inside the woven outer. 

I can understand what Paddlur and Clay are saying.  On my 4.2 (which I use a lot) the back handle is just barely back enough.  Riding toeside I have to jam both hands way back in the corner of the handles to get the wing forward enough.  An extra two inches would be super nice.  On really smooth days we can just fingertip any of these wings and all is good in the world.  But, when the wind gets challenging or super strong, we have no choice but to grab on tight.  A stiff and slightly longer handle would be awesome!


Quote from: Admin on August 08, 2020, 03:31:38 PM

Yes, I still love the leash.  It has just the right amount of shock absorption to stay taught but never jerk you too hard.  That is all just coming from the elastic inside the woven outer. 

I can understand what Paddlur and Clay are saying.  On my 4.2 (which I use a lot) the back handle is just barely back enough.  Riding toeside I have to jam both hands way back in the corner of the handles to get the wing forward enough.  An extra two inches would be super nice.  On really smooth days we can just fingertip any of these wings and all is good in the world.  But, when the wind gets challenging or super strong, we have no choice but to grab on tight.  A stiff and slightly longer handle would be awesome!
Admin. Thanks.  Great.  Is the leash home made or did you buy it?  If so, link?  Thanks.  Just blew up my 6M Unit.  Gotta wait till the wind is light enough to use it.  30-40 now...


Hi Bill,

These are just the stock leashes that F-One includes with each Swing.  I am not sure if they sell them independently.  It might be worth a check.


Quote from: Admin on August 08, 2020, 06:44:18 PM
Hi Bill,

These are just the stock leashes that F-One includes with each Swing.  I am not sure if they sell them independently.  It might be worth a check.
I bought a couple of spares through BAK.   They are not cheap.

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