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Oh noes! paddle confusion...:P

Started by Aiyah, August 07, 2010, 11:28:42 PM

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Okaayyyy. I used a rental kialoa methane because the shop up here just got them (yay!) and i liked it lots. but iwas thinking about getting a quickblade kanaha. So now i go back and think, that a good choice? And if the paddle is roughly the same sq ft, does it matter what the width is? or will they both behave relatively the same?


Both are great paddles and they should feel pretty similar.. except for the oval shape of the Kialoa shaft.. and different types of T grip handles.



Hmm, ok. good to know i guess. I really liked the oval shaft on the kialoa. And it'd be way nice to buy one locally and not off the internet. What're your thoughts on the kialoa vs quickblade, particularly the methane and kanaha? does one have a better t-grip? one have a better shaft, in your opinion?


I love the Methane and used mine today on our down-winder.. I also use a Methane in the surf.. I've only demo'd the QB Kanaha once on a demo day and it was nice but I like the Tahitian style T grip rather than the QB style but it's more about what you're used to.. The Kialoa shaft seems to have a bit more spring.. You're asking a Kialoa fan which is best.. You know what I'm going to say..  ;D



Haha okay. Is the Kanaha grip bigger/wider or anything? I'm totally scrambling to find somewhere in seattle even to demo one of these, but i'm coming up short, so asking around is my best bet ;D. I liked the methane today, it was really nice. But i've heard quickblades are good too. I guess i can't go wrong with either one....both seem to be good paddles.


You will like either.  They are great paddles.  I use the Methane in the surf or on my small SUP.  For my 10' board I like the Werner Spanker, it moves me better.  The Werner Nitro is compatible to the Kialoa Methane.  KiaLoa, Werner or QB in carbon are the top paddles out there, you can't go wrong picking from this group.


Ok! I really wanna see what the qb handle is like, but I really liked that oval kialoa shaft...mmm....choices choices...


What about  the Fanatic carbon paddle?


never heard of it. is it a model by qb, werner or kialoa? or is it another brand entirely? whatever it is, i know we dont have them anywhere around here.


I dont know anything about it but perhaps a picture is better than a thousand words


How big is the blade, do you know?


Its the almost same paddle as the Starboard Racepaddle. Okay but nothing more then that.



And what about the Starboard Wave carbon paddle
How stiff, durable etc is it?
How does it compare with a Kialoa Shaka Puu in size  and handling?
The Shaka Puu is 75% more expensive for me to acquire......

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